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Company Updates
December 10, 2021
min read
Avi Kassuto

Breaking down our newest feature - Aggregation filter

Which podcast network is talking the most about Facebook being offline for six hours?  What country is hottest about gaming content? You can now organize thought leaders by different aggregation groupings, to uncover larger content trends. The feature includes filtering thought leaders by country, podcast host, networks, category and language. Here are just a few ways you can use this new feature: 

Aggregate by network

Aggregate by network

Which podcast network is talking the most about the Facebook crash?

Quickly see which podcast network is covering hot topics to understand the speed and quality of content produced by certain networks with brand involvement and content produced around the topic of note. Currently, the network Beyond1031 has covered it the most, comfortably ahead of the other networks, in the list over all time.

Aggregate by podcast host

Aggregate by podcast host

Which host has the most podcasts with sponsorships? 

With this filter, hosts can pinpoint their competitors and clearly understand their strategies. This filter also enables brands to spot partnership opportunities with podcast hosts that are promoting content relevant to the company. 

If your content is similar to that of Podbean you can quickly understand how many brands they have mentioned, number of podcasts channels under the network, total sponsorship numbers and much more.

Aggregate by category

Aggregate by category

Which YouTube category is receiving the most views around the Facebook crash? 

With this filter go beyond just understanding the most created content relating to your search. Dive into all the data we have revolving around this topic. The amount of brands involved within the Facebook crash content, Average views/likes, total sponsorships per category as well as which category is most relevant with regards to last published date and understand how long they have been producing certain content by seeing first published date. In this case Gaming received the most views with more than a billion views on Lifestyle and nearly double the third category being Entertainment. 

Aggregate by language

Aggregate by language

What are the top languages covering gaming content? 

With this filter quickly uncover what language is best performing according to your search. In this example, discover top languages covering gaming content and analyze the engagement metrics that we are tracking to see which language is a good direction for your next market expansion.

Aggregate by country

Aggregate by country

What country has the most thought leaders talking about CBD? What country doesn't have content about CBD?

With this filter you can quickly see which countries are creating specific content according to this search. There are plenty of value propositions in this mix whether you are a brand looking at other countries to expand into, creators comparing yourself to countries that you are trying to relate your content to, or diving into the enriched data per country as an analyst. This filter also allows brands to take note about which countries are not promoting specific content. For example, in 2021, only 1 piece of content relating to 'CBD' was uploaded in Costa Rica. 

There are many other topics to dive into and explore with our new Aggregation filter. What would you like to see? Reach out and we will get in touch!

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