ThoughtLeaders platform

Platform updates

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Date: February 5, 2024

Introducing the Countries and Languages report pages - Your passport to global insights!

  • Countries Report - Dive into the digital landscape of every nation, uncovering trends and tailoring campaigns for maximum impact.
  • Languages Report - Explore the distribution of languages!

Those new reports open brand new ways to use the platform:

  • Competitor research - Discover the global marketing activities of a brand by selecting it and setting the filter to sponsored content. You'll receive a breakdown of their expenditure in each country and can delve even deeper into the specific channels they sponsored in each country.
  • Discover new marketing opportunities  - by exploring how different niches perform in various countries and languages. Choose keywords based on a specific topic, filter type of contents, and publishing dates to find the gaps where there are untapped opportunities.
Date: January 3, 2024
  • Custom Saved Reports Icons - We've added icons to our saved reports so users can easily  detect where they come from throughout the platform. Feel free to edit and choose your own icon from the Edit Report panel in the Saved Reports page.
Date: October 29, 2023
  • Report Linking - It is now possible to link reports dynamically between eachother!
    This allows for complete, end to end job workflows to be handled on our platform such as channel discovery, outreach processes and much more.
    For example - as a talent manager, I want my own channel roster report to be updated only in one place, and I want my roster to be automatically excluded from my channel discovery reports.
    Another example is while doing channel outreach, I want a "Do Not Contact" report that will dynamically exclude these channels from my outreach workflow to prevent reaching out to channels that aren't interested in working together.
Date: September 21, 2023
  • Starred Saved Reports - It is now possible to STAR reports. Stars act kind of like starring an email on Gmail - it will always be at the top when you want to add to reports, load reports, star my team members reports (more on this later).Basically add a star to reports that interest you, whether it’s your own report, one of your team members - all can be easily accessed through the new Dashboard “MY STARRED” tab!
  • Dashboard New Tabs - The dashboard page got a big step up that’s really gonna help with organizing, managing and accessing the reports you care about. We tried to improve it by adding tabs.
    These are:
    My Starred - Here you can find all of the reports you have starred or someone else from your team starred for you. These can be your own or from one of your team members.
    My Reports - All of the reports you are the owner of. Exactly how the old Dashboard page was.
    My Team - Here you can find all of your other team members' reports for easy access and starring if needed.
    Templates - A list of our “gallery” of saved reports. You can now easily load up any type of a saved report (with included custom widgets, custom formulas etc) with a click of a button! This is just the first release and we’re planning to add a ton of other templates - each with its own video tutorial for an easier setup process
  • “Add To” Dropdown Improvements - After selecting multiple items (channels, brands or uploads) from our intelligence reports, you can now easily send them to one of your own reports OR one of your starred reports! This is a crucial step towards having job workflows that use multiple saved reports, where you want to send items from one list to another - even if you don’t own it!
Date: September 6, 2023
  • Hashtags Search - New feature that allows you to search content, channels or brands by hashtags. Also added the hashtags column on the content report for easy hashtag discovery.
  • Improved Views Overtime graph - The content report Views Overtime graph now shows the line in a clearer way, with added points for the date at which the sampling happened with how many views it had on that specific day.
  • Scheduled Email Reports - Any saved report on the platform now has the ability to be sent automatically to your email address on the frequency you choose - daily, weekly or monthly! This is still in beta, if you’re interested to participate please contact us.
Date: August 10, 2023
  • Improved “Add To” functionality - More flexibility around moving between different reports and filtering or excluding items from your saved reports. 
    The following actions are now supported:
    - Filter items and stay on same page
    - Filter items and open new tab
    - Exclude items and stay on same page
    - Exclude items open new tab
    - Add items to existing saved report
    - Create new report with items as filters included
  • Include and Exclude at the same time:
    - It is now possible to both include and exclude brands and channels in all of our reports at the same time
    - Allows for great flexibility and usability flows
  • Moved some pages around for Creator users:
    Added Payment Settings, Invoices and Payments History to the campaign management menu dropdown
  • Vertical borders to all table columns and fixed some alignment issues in the Intelligence reports 
Date: August 2, 2023
  • Widgets UI Improvement - better visibility on how widgets work, added guardrails to prevent timeouts, and improved loading times.
  • Brand add to list - allows selection of brands from the brand report and adding them to reports.
Date: July 27, 2023
  • Duplicate and change owner of reports - this new update allows you to easily create new dashboards for your clients.
  • Select and move items from Campaign Management to Intelligence module - breaking the walls between the different modules. Allows for easier tracking of content or channels from my campaign management items to other report type in the intelligence module.
  • New columns of metrics are now available in the channel and content reports:
    Channel columns:
    - Trend and Trend Shorts
    - Post Per 90 Days & Post Per 90 Days Shorts
    - Volatility & Volatility Shorts
    - Channel Total Views
    - Subscribers Change last 30 Days
    - Number of Deleted Videos
    Content columns:
    - Comments
    - Age in Days
    - Video Deleted
    - Video Deleted at
Date: July 18, 2023
  • Complete code overhaul to Channels Report - loading times are significantly improved.
  • More Dashboard bug fixes.
Date: July 16, 2023
  • Added Comments column for Content Report.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements.