Dulcedo Group

“Through the platform I discovered a fitness YouTuber who hadn’t previously done many sponsorships. After using the platform to vet them, I signed the channel and told the creator “I’m going to change your life”. A few months later into the partnership, I secured a number of lucrative long term deals for the channel and did exactly that.”
Ben Goldberg
Team Manager & Senior Agent
The Industry
Talent Management
The Goal
Increase talent and client acquisition
The Results
Used our data intelligence to research, evaluate, and reach out to prospective sponsors and talent.

Who is Dulcedo Group?

Dulcedo is a full-service talent management and boutique digital marketing agency that builds personal brands for models, influencers, creators, athletes, celebrities, and many more influential individuals around the world.
Check them out at dulcedo.com


Three main goals

The first goal was to track undiscovered brands. The second goal was to create a brand wishlist for their talents. DULCEDO asked their creators for a wishlist of the brands they’d love to work with. The third goal was to find related brands. 


Research & Reach-Out

Using the ThoughtLeaders' intelligence platform, they were able to uncover new brands and analyze their integrations.  They also used the“Related Brands” feature on the platform to discover new and emerging brands in the space, adding these to their prospect list. They then used the platform to contact them and close several  deals.


From Dulcedo Group...

“ThoughtLeaders even provides prospecting information for all of the brands they are tracking… which is basically everyone who is actively sponsoring influencers”. 

- Ben Goldberg, Manager & Senior Agent, DULCEDO GROUP


Simplified Work-Flow

"Dulcedo, a top talent agencies, is constantly seeking new partnerships and fresh talent. For them, there was a significant amount of manual research involved: Who are the brands sponsoring? Whom are they sponsoring? When? How much are they spending? Where can I find the "rising stars" of YouTube, knowing they provide a safe space for brands in advance? It was impossible for them to obtain this exact data in order to drive business growth. With our platform and my our guidance, we were able to obtain an unprecedented amount of relevant brands and new talent, with accuracy and speed, making their workflow much simpler."

- Ohad Tenenboim, Customer Success Manager

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