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April 3, 2023
min read
Noam Yadin

Female gamers on YouTube: Are female gamers playing against the odds?

Over the last few years, the gaming industry has exploded - In 2021, the gaming industry revenue reached $178B and there were more than3.24B gamers worldwide. However, as the gaming landscape continues to grow, so does the impossible-to-ignore gender gap.

We had a hunch that there was a disparity - female gamers inability to keep up with their male counterparts. After deep diving into our data platform, we've come to the conclusion that there is indeed a big disparity and female gamers on YouTube don't even have a fighting chance.

Here's a look at the vicious cycle female gamers are stuck in and the data that supports this:

Female gamers on YouTube infographic

How can we end this vicious cycle?

Our data clearly shows that female gamers on YouTube are stuck in a vicious cycle - They book less sponsors, which in turn causes them to receive less financial support and not make enough money on the platform. Ultimately, they are forced to upload less videos (because they have to split their time creating YouTube videos and financially supporting themselves) which obviously results in less subscribers. This, unsurprisingly, makes it almost impossible for female gamers to keep up with their male counterparts. 

So, what can you do about this? 

  • Watch and support more YouTube gaming content created by women
  • Brands: Encourage more sponsorships with female gamers (this will help you reach an untapped market, but large demographic - women who enjoy gaming)
  • Game developers: More female character representation in video games (currently, only 5% of video games showcase female protagonists). Don’t get us wrong, there is definitely an improvement - currently, 18% of games launched in the last year featured female characters.

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